Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Book Launch - Greg Trine

I'm so happy to interview Greg Trine about his upcoming book launch on Saturday, September 8, 2-4pm at the Thousand Oaks Library. This is great to be able to post before it happens!  I hope everyone can make it, I hear there will be cake.

Here is the always fabulous and funny, Greg Trine.

What kind of preparations do you do for a book launch?

This will be kind of a hybrid launch in that I will be giving a presentation. So my prep will involve figuring out what I want to say. Also, trying to get people to show up is part of the pre-launch activities.

Do you plan food or activities to match the book?

Yes, we'll have cake and other goodies. Depending on the mix of kids vs. adults, I'll do an activity...possibly an evil laugh contest and have the kids act something out.

This would be a good place for an audio cue with you doing your evil laugh. Does your publisher contribute or help at all?

They did make up bookmarks, but basically I do all of it on my own. I'm sure they would help if I asked, but I don't want to be known as that "needy author."

What’s your favorite part of a launch?  What makes it successful for you?

It's always nice to meet book readers. I'd say if 50 or more people show up, that would be a successful launch.

Are you launching the first Jo Schmo book or both 1 and 2?

Just the first one. Book two will be out in December.

What have you learned from doing launches and signings? 

Sometimes people show up, sometimes they don't. In this launch I'll not only be launching a new book, but a new series. I'm hoping that will bring out the crowds. Also, having it at the Thousand Oaks Library has the added advantage of using their PR department to promote the event. There will also be an article in the Ventura County Star.

That’s great!  Do you have upcoming events/signings?

I'm going to spend a seven days in Porterville, CA, visiting schools. I may add some bookstore signings as well.

When is the rest of the series due come out?  I read the first Jo Schmo and it’s a lot of fun.  I look forward to the rest!

Book two will be out in December, book three will be out in July, and book four in the fall of 2013.

Excellent.  Thank you so much Greg and happy launching!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo Angela & Bravo Greg,
    As much as I aspire to be Greg when I grow up, it's a good thing I don't have to pull together a book every few months. Ouch!
    Keep 'em laughing, Greg
