I'm getting this blog done still in the month of February - with one day to spare. I hope this isn't my pattern for every monthly blog. I was going to post last Monday, on my birthday, but obviously, that didn't happen. But I wanted to, that counts for something, right? In the spirit of things at least.
While away last week, I woke up one morning and started a birthday haiku and then one about my cat. So, if you'd like to participate, think of something, someone, an event, something big or small, that grabs your heart, your attention. Playing with words, since you can only have 5-7-5 syllables in each one, makes it fun finding the right word.
Not that it always happens, but it's great to try.
Birthday in the Desert
Sun lit radiance
Family, warm and loving
Birthday candle glow
Kitty in the Desert
Sunbeams streaming in
Baking to purrfection. Stretch
Roll over and repeat.